Sunday, March 10, 2024

Tajine with Lamb Shank, Ontario Lamb vs Welsh Lamb

My nephew Matthew and I had decided to make a lamb tajine together.  Matthew brought Ontario lamb shanks from the Stubbborn Farmer and I picked up some Welsh lamb shanks from Fiesta Farms. I typically buy Ontario lamb, but the butcher informed me that he was not carrying Ontario lamb anymore because he said his clientele preferred the Welsh lamb.   This was the perfect opportunity to do a taste test.  Two Welsh lamb shanks verses two Ontario lamb shanks cooked exactly the same way at exactly the same time in the same container.  It was unanimous -  the Ontario lamb from the Stubborn Farmer won hands down!

Lamb Shank Tajine

4 lamb ontario shanks
2 large onions
5 garlic cloves
2" of ginger finely chopped
4 large carrots chopped into finger sized pieces
1/2 tsp  peppercorns
1 teaspoon ras l hanout
1 teaspoon baharat
1/2 tsp sumach
2 cinnmon sticks
5 cardomon seeds
3 star anise
salt ot taste
1 1/2 cups chicken stock
2 tomatoes
1 can of stewed tomatoes
I/4 cup chopped parsley
1 cup of red wine
10 dried apricots coarsely chopped
olive oil

Season lamb shanks with salt and freshly ground pepper.  Brown in olive oil.
In large tagine, put chopped onions, garlic, ginger, and spices place lamb shanks in the bed of onions, and arrange carrots  and apricots around.  Add chicken stock and tomatoes and wine, put lid on tagline and cook in oven for a couple of hours at a low heat. 

Serve over couscous.

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