Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Last Minute Chocolate Orange Mousse

My neighbours were coming for dinner and I had forgotten to make desert.  This desert is great fall back because it is fast, and being a chocoholic, I usually have good chocolate in the cupboard.  In this case, I had a fabulous dark chocolate with orange bar, and some  very fresh ginger snaps from a local baker at the market.  

Chocolate Orange Mousse with Peter's Ginger Cookie
  • 8 ounces of good quality dark chocolate with orange 
  • 2 very fresh free range eggs
  • 1 tablespoon of orange liqueur
  • 2/3 cup of milk
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • ginger snaps

Chop chocolate into small pieces and place in small food processor.  Add the eggs and the orange liqueur.  Put milk and sugar in small saucepan and heat to almost a boil.  Immediately, pour the hot milk mixture into the food processor and blend for a couple of minutes until mixture is smooth.  Spoon into little cups and chill for at least an hour.  Top with half a cookie and serve.

Note:  This recipe works equally well with plain dark chocolate and brandy, , or a dark chocolate with espresso beans and a coffee flavoured liqueur, and topped with berries and or a dollop of cream.  

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