Thursday, October 4, 2012

Rose's Fabulous Frozen Vanalla Yorgut

I am visiting Ian and family for dinner and Rose, who is now 10, is making ice cream again.  This time she is making, a special request - her fabulous frozen vanilla yogurt which she made for me for the first time last winter.  It was absolutely amazing and like nothing you can buy in the store. 

Rose's Fabulous Frozen Vanilla Yogurt,   photo by Rose
  • 3 cups Greek yogurt
  • 3/4 cup of sugar
  • 1 tsp of pure vanilla extract (the good stuff)
  • the seeds from 2 vanilla pods
Mix all of the ingredients together and put in ice cream machine for 30 minutes.  Eat soft or put in freezer to harden. This recipe is all about the quality of the ingredients.  

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