Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Nonna's Frittelle Fiori de Zucchine

Zucchini Flower Fritters

Nona with her Frittelle Fiori de Zucchine
Yesterday, my friend Christine and her in-laws visited me in the country.  Christine's in-laws are from Calabria, the toe of Italy. Her Nonna is most comfortable in front of the stove lovingly making the family favourites for a large extended family. I have fond memories of the fabulous meals she would produce when I helped with the annual ritual of putting down hundreds of bottles of tomatoes every fall.

Cleaned Zucchini Flowers
I walked with Nonna through my garden, hoping for advice, and she immediately focused in on the zucchini flowers.  Nonna told me that every morning her husband goes out to their garden and picks zucchini flowers only when they are perfect,  and stores them in the refrigerator until there are enough flowers to make Frittelle Fiori de Zucchini.  Later in the afternoon her husband walked through the garden and picked a zucchini flower, bringing it back to his wife and presenting it as a special gift.  

Zucchini flowers  are a special treat in the summer and the only reason I grow zucchini in my garden. I have cooked them a number of ways, however had never heard of, or tried this recipe, and so I was very pleased when Nonna offered to show me how to make it. I love the simplicity of this recipe, and the decadence of the flowers and the indulgence of deep frying.

Chopped Zucchini Flowers
  • approximately 2 cups of large zucchini flowers
  • 3/4 cup of all purpose flour
  • 1 1/2 cups of water
  • 1/2 cup of grated pecorino cheese
  • salt to taste
  • 1 cup of light vegetable oil, I prefer grape seed oil
Carefully clean inside and out of flowers, removing pollen, bugs and anything else that may have gotten into the flower.  I was being very gentle with the flower, until Nona got frustrated with me and took the flower away, turned it inside out and ran it under water to make sure that all the dirt was removed.  Remove the stem and leaves, and the pedestal.  Cut flowers into quarters the length of the petal, and then chop into 1/2 slices.  Nona told me her sister did not chop the petals and only quartered the flowers.  Put in a large bowl and dredge with the flower.  Stir in the water until a bit gooey.  Add cheese and salt to taste 

Dredging With Flour

Put oil in large cast iron pan and heat until it bubbles when a bit of batter is dropped into it.  Spoon a large spoon of batter into the hot oil.  
FrittelleCooking in Hot Oil
Flatten out with back of spoon and cook until golden brown, and then flip. Cook until golden brown, drain on paper towels and serve warm.

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